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Don't forget to get those Rafflecopter entries in for your chance to win a copy of Hot Kitchen & Home Collectibles of the 30s, 40s, 50s & Beyond. The 'copter will fly away in just over two days.
And... drum roll, please. There's even more exciting LGT happenings on the horizon, including a product review, craft project, and a corporate sponsored giveaway!
To make sure you're in the know, stay active on the Let's Go Thrifting Facebook page.
And since Facebook is hellbent on making page management difficult to navigate without paid boosts, make sure you click "Get Notifications" on Let's Go Thrifting, and all the other pages you support! You don't want to miss out on any future thrifty announcements, right?
Right! So stay thrifty, my friends.
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