Happy Earth Day! Not that we should require a day to remind us that this planet we happen to inhabit is important, but when on Earth. do as the earthlings do. So let's celebrate the day by practicing the three R's: Reduce. Reuse. Recycle, and by appreciating what we have.
Looking for specific ideas on how to celebrate this Earth Day?
- Take a walk in the park. If you're a parent of a young child, or an older sibling to one....bring the little ones along. There's nothing quite as amazing as watching a child interact with nature. Playing with leaves and stones, watching birds in the trees. If this isn't a reminder to be mindful of our carbon footprint for future generations, I don't know what is.
- Drop off that bag of donations that you've been meaning to give all winter. Whether you've been diligent with your spring cleaning or not, chances are you could easily fill a bag of old clothes/books/boardgames/toys that will never be missed. Take advantage of the date on the calendar and celebrate Earth Day by keeping your wares out of the landfill and putting them into the hands of people who will use them.
- Make that Pinterest project happen. If you're anything like me, you have a board chock full of awesome upcycling project ideas on your Pinterest account. Why not hit the thrift store for inspiration on how you can make that cupboard/bookshelf/wine rack/dresser of your dreams a reality?
- Go where the natural beauty inspires you. In spite of what humanity does out of neglect, ignorance, or malice, this world is a beautiful place. And if you have a specific location that speaks to you, somewhere you can reasonably travel to...I say pay it a visit. Breathe it in...