Saturday, October 29, 2011

And Now For Something Completely Different...

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While photographing some items soon to hit my Etsy shop, I decided for an impromptu shoot of another kind. Some of you may remember my dear sister Ashley buying me my very own Blythe doll for my birthday back in May? Well after a bit of searching on Etsy and eBay, I found some lovely little props for her. And since I've been working with creepy dolls, I've decided that it's high time for something cute. 

So please welcome Blythe in her first professional photo shoot. 

This is Blythe. And she's terribly busy!

Don't you love that little outfit? The red sailor shirt and polka dot skirt were bought on consignment from the official Blythe website. And yes, those are teeny, tiny little gold Converse shoes!

The vintage Barbie telephones were found on Etsy and the lovely little sofa, lamp and coat rack were found on eBay. 

I wish my local thrifts would start sprouting up all the vintage Barbie clothes and props I could use for future Blythe shoots. But either no one is donating them or all these goodies just aren't making it to the sales floor. Because all I seem to find are naked, knotted hair Barbie dolls. 

I guess this just serves to say that while the random miscellany of the thrift offers a lot of mystery and some big payoffs, it's nice to know that anything you ever could want is online.

Until next time, happy thrifting...and online bargain hunting!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The Thrifted Life...and Death

"Have you seen my little knife?"

Halloween will soon be upon us. But fear not.  Let's Go Thrifting! is back from the dead. Well, actually I just like to think as our temporary departure a mere hiatus due to technical difficulty. After a long and painful illness, my laptop was finally put to rest. And in its place I received the best gift of all, a MacBook Pro. Hurrah! Yippie! 

While I am still in the process of transferring files and getting accustomed to all of these applelicious functions, I have decided at long last to resume Let's Go Thrifting! 

I have, however, made an editorial decision regarding the scheduling of posts. Always favoring quality over quantity in my published writing, I've decided to expand my efforts in other areas of my life. And rather than than make quick, subpar posts to fit the 3x week editorial schedule, I will commit to updating Let's Go Thrifting! on an as-thrifted basis. I'm not going to force material to make self-imposed deadlines. While I wish I had the time and money to put into thrifting, crafting and flea marketing more often to make for better, more frequent posts I must say that there are other commitments that demand my time.

While I will post with some regularity, I think you'll find Let's Go Thrifting to be seemingly random...much like our real life adventures in the thrift. But do keep reading. I still have a few tricks and treats up my sleeve...just in time for Halloween.

What delightfully undead finds have you thrifted lately? 

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The Big One

Birthday Blog 1-001
"B is for bargain." And now one year later, B is for Birthday!

It all began with an idea. An idea and the letter B. The above  photo of “Bixil” the Alphabet Critter was featured in the very first published post on Let’s Go Thrifting!

That was one year ago to this very day. In this past year I’ve commented, blogged and corresponded with some lovely likeminded frugal shoppers, shared wild stories of wacky thrifted finds, held a few giveaways and spent the absolute minimum on some stuff I just love.

I’ve been fortunate to have met a few reselling goals, been afforded the opportunity to exercise my self-proclaimed thrift expertise in other media outlets and have worked and will continue to work on expanding the original idea into something new and exciting.

That’s right. More changes are on the way. So keep on reading and leaving comment love. And don’t forget to stop on by The Let’s Go Thrifting Facebook Fan Page for more exciting thrift chatter.

But now it’s time for cake, candles and thrifted gifts for the Birthday Blog. Oh and we can’t forget the hip party music….

Nutty Numbers Album

Papa-Oom-Mow-Wow by LetsGoThrifting

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Special Sunday Announcement: We Have a Winner!

Not the lucky winner but looking to get your own copy of the My Memories Suite? Visit their website and use the special code above during your checkout for a $10 discount.

Congratulations to Van of Thrift Core fame on winning the first Let’s Go Thrifting! officially sponsored giveaway promotion. Van will be receiving a code to download The My Memories Suite v2.0, (a $40 value) absolutely free! This promotion was made possible by My and I thank them for the generous offer.

I have been having a lot of fun playing with all of the features of the My Memories Suite digital scrapbooking software...downloading free virtual paper packs, adding and editing photos, customizing the page layouts and exporting my creations  to jpegs to share with all of you.

And I just know that if anyone will enjoy creating digital scrapbooks, greeting cards, posters and slideshows, it will be Van. Thanks for promoting the giveaway, Van! You’ll be contacted shortly with all of the information you need to claim your prize.


I'd like to thank each and every one of you for reading Let's Go Thrifting!