Monday, May 14, 2012

Winner, Winner!

Chicken Dinner...?

Sorry. I can't very well mail you a chicken dinner. But I might have something better for you! How about three handcrafted pop-wonderful notebooks from The Really Cool Notebooks Etsy shop? After plugging in the 13 entries to the handy dandy Random Number Generator...out popped the winning number. And the winner of the Really Cool Notebook Giveaway is...

Lucky number 12 belongs to the comment from fellow blogger Eartha Kitsch!!! So, Miss Kitsch, I'll be contacting you shortly on how to claim your prize from Rich Wilhelm, our thriftastic prize provider. Congrats and enjoy all the note-taking and jotting-down and doodling in your fun, new notebooks! 

Hells yeah, it's Something Cool!

Thank you, everyone for your entries and a great big good-thrift-karma thanks to Rich from Really Cool Notebooks for providing the awesome prizes!


Eartha Kitsch said...

Yay! I'm so excited! :)

Jackie Jardine said...

Hurray!! Congrats!!